Friday, January 9, 2009

September 7, 2008 Email

I wanted to let you know our latest news.
Yes, we got the insurance coverage we need...big relief!
So, I scheduled the surgery and it turns out to be Monday, Jan. 12, 2009.
The doctors said I needed to have the surgery in the next 3 to 6 months.
If I were to have a change in my symptoms, get worse, then the surgery would happen right away.

This type of tumor is slow growing. They think I have probably had it for several years already, the tumor just recently getting big enough for me to have the symptoms to even notice it.
So we wait and plan.
I am doing okay...

Yes I have dizziness, headaches, imbalance and fatigue off and on, but I just take each day as it comes. Some days are better than others.
Again, thank you for your support and love.
Take care!


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