Friday, January 30, 2009

Little steps of progress

As you might have noted, I am not posting everyday as I am just not that creative. There is only so many ways to tell everyone that Joni is making slow and steady progress. In the last few days we have seen improvement in the amount of control she has over her lower lip. (This is good because drinking was a messy affair before) She continues to have minimal control of her eye on the side she had the operation. The eye lid does not want to go up and down and she still has double vision. She still finds it easier to wear a patch or keep it closed off. She is able to get around the house pretty well when she is up. We continue to talk about what the next step is and what is in our control to speed up the recovery. As her strength comes back we plan to spend time walking which should help that brain of hers learn better balance. (Yes we did confirm during this process that she does have a brain and we are all very excited about it) Boy I'm going to be in trouble when she reads this.

We are all good and grateful for the little steps of progress we continue to accomplish. Again, thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers. I have also realized that we have some neighbors that are very good cooks, as I think I am putting on weight during this process.

Thanks again,

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